InCommand’s Real Time Data

Learn More about InCommand DMaaS

real time data to manage day to day operations and inform strategic planning challenges

InCommand real time data is used by IT and M+E practitioners for operations such as light touch moves, adds, and changes. The platform maintains data over time to inform strategic project planning. 

InCommand DMaaS provides unique and real time data views on infrastructure utilization, device locations, device health, connectivity and more. The Portal provides power details for every rack and circuit allowing the client to have a real time view into power use and availability.

InCommand DMaaS customizable client dashboards cover:

Power Utilization
and Capacity

Rack and RU Utilization
and Capacity

Commission, Decommission, and Troubleshooting History

InCommand monitors all devices which include:

  • Rack Elevations
  • Cross-connect inventory
  • Switch port inventory (in-use / available)
  • Patch panel port inventory (in-use / available)
  • Circuits, panels, PDUs, and UPSs

Once in place, InCommand DMaaS models all real time data, makes it visible for clients to view on the platform dashboard, and securely maintains that data on behalf of the client.

We do the heavy lifting through a virtual specialist service desk, with a sharp focus on data maintenance and accuracy. By presenting accurate data, Serverfarm enables clients to plan changes with confidence and minimal expense.

By embracing real time data driven decision making and letting go of a residual resistance to greater openness, data center operators can begin the transformation journey required to meet sustainability goals.                    

5 reasons it is time for all operators to let go of their fear of real time data:  

  1. Data center clients/users want transparency       
  2. ESG dictates that the board requires data about what is happening inside their data centers – whether on prem, in colo, or in the cloud
  3. Today’s data on efficiency, and power management are the starting point – it is the first stage of a journey to transforming to flexible, carbon neutral operation
  4. Regulators including the SEC and the EU will force enterprises to account for their climate impact and power waste of their data centers
  5. All businesses will ask their data center providers for accurate data on energy use

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